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The Thrill of Performing – Meet the Winners of Cove’s Got Talent 2020

Cove’s Got Excitement Concerts, festivals, and film premieres have been canceled, rescheduled, and modified. Highly anticipated tours of artists like Elton John and The Rolling Stones have been pushed back. Even the Summer Olympics were canceled for the first time since World War II. Though for us here at Cove, the most anticipated event ofRead More “The Thrill of Performing – Meet the Winners of Cove’s Got Talent 2020”

6 Spring Cleaning Tips to Create A Haven in Your Home: How to Organize, De-Clutter, and Renew

Spring Cleaning Never Felt So Good The COVID-19 pandemic has sent millions of people around the world into quarantine. Shelter-at-home orders have closed down workplaces and public gatherings, but staying home may have you feeling a little claustrophobic, surrounded by the possessions that you’ve accumulated through the years. This is your cue: it’s time toRead More “6 Spring Cleaning Tips to Create A Haven in Your Home: How to Organize, De-Clutter, and Renew”

Stay Physically Fit While Maintaining Physical Distance–Virtual Workouts That Work For You

Stay Connected to Your Daily Routine Gym closures and quarantine mandates are forcing people to make changes to their otherwise well-managed workout routines. Exercise is especially important right now because it provides a boost to your mood and keeps your muscles activated. It’s easy to become couch-bound or desk-bound and get into a habit ofRead More “Stay Physically Fit While Maintaining Physical Distance–Virtual Workouts That Work For You”

Top Twelve Movies to Inspire Your Next Road Trip & Fuel Your Movie Marathon

New Trend: Virtual Road Tripping Daydreaming about the magic of the RV lifestyle but cut off from the outside world? These films will help you remember your love for the open road and the wild adventures that ensue. If you find yourself gazing out the window and longing to get in the driver’s seat ofRead More “Top Twelve Movies to Inspire Your Next Road Trip & Fuel Your Movie Marathon”