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The Cove Lifestyle

Here’s Why Everyone is Talking About River Vista RV Park & Resort

Are you Ready for Spring?

River Vista RV Park & Resort under the Florida sun

Come experience the good life at River Vista RV Park & Resort, which has friendly people and lots of fun pursuits. Here is what to look forward to in March.

Getting Crafty with the Community

One of the first events on the month’s agenda is the Craft Sale & Quilt Show this Saturday, March 2nd.

Enjoy the Beautiful Artisan Crafts and Quilts on Saturday March 2nd

Residents have gathered for months to pour out their creativity in making beautifully handcrafted items that they are proud to show to the community. The event is the culmination of many happy hours spent enjoying the company of friends while stitching and crafting. Truly, the process has been a labor of love.

It’s All About the Good Eats

Opportunities to share a meal or a treat with fellow residents abound. Is there anyone alive who doesn’t adore ice cream socials, where you can savor a creamy treat, or potlucks, where you can try neighbors’ cherished family recipes? In addition to these socials, the resort will offer a corned beef dinner that comes with all the trimmings – this will be on March 16th. Other food-related events include a Horseshoes & Shuffleboard Dinner and a Bowling Banquet. The community members are the heart and soul of the village so there will be a Residents Appreciation Dinner on March 30th. Don’t worry – we’ll save you a seat.

Grab Your Partner and Hit the Dance Floor

Don’t Miss the Dance with The Dukes on March 23rd

Don’t you just love to reminisce on the wonderful tunes we grew up with in the ‘50s and ‘60s?! Well we share that sentiment; which is why we are so excited to check out The Dukes who will be performing their signature blend of doo-wop and rock & roll. Mark your calendars for March 23rd and be sure to bring your dancing shoes because everyone is sure to have a fabulous time!

So what are you waiting for? Make plans to join our community. For more information or to make reservations, call 800-607-2532 or email The address is 2206 Chaney Drive, Ruskin, FL.