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RV Travel Tips, The Cove Lifestyle

7 Tips for Driving at Night

Driving at night can be a pain but sometimes it’s unavoidable. Limited visibility, winding roads, and unfamiliar towns are inescapable. The dangers are always around us, no matter the time of day you’re manning the wheel. Here are a few tips for driving at night in your RV:

1. Check your headlights

Headlights at Night
Photo courtesy of Google Images

Forgetting to turn on your headlights is common, yet dangerous. On the other hand, something people don’t think heavily about is whether your lights are aimed correctly. Your vision and awareness are crucial at this time, especially since you may be driving by yourself. And the final touch of double checking your headlight aim to avoid your eyes working harder than they should is essential for better night driving.

2. Slow down

Dashboard View at Night
Photo courtesy of Google Images

Since there are less people driving at night and your chances of hitting a traffic wall are slim, take your time and ensure you arrive safely. Your peripheral vision is already hindered by lack of outside light, making driving faster a little more hazardous. Slowing down and driving the speed limit reduces the risk of an accident.

3. Letting your eyes adjust

Unfocused Eyes While Driving At Night
Photo courtesy of Google Images

Eyes will naturally adjust to any light within the environment. Pupils are resilient but can be your worst enemy when one bright light shines and throws off your focus. Dimming your interior lights and GPS are essential to driver safety so you can have full eyesight of the road without distractions.

4. Clean your windshield and mirrors

Ensure you have a clear front and rear view while driving by keeping your windshields and mirrors clean. Wipe them down frequently during pitstops to help keep up with the debris.

5. Don’t be distracted

Distracted boy driving at night
Photo courtesy of Google Images

Putting your phone down, turning down the interior lights, and even taking breaks to help you become less distracted are good steps to understanding that you’re starting to feel a little antsy. Cell phones are addictive, but to keep everyone safe, you MUST put your phone away. Giving yourself time to check your phone when at rest stops or during breaks helps fight the urge to check your notifications when driving.

6. Fight fatigue

Man Driving While Tired
Photo courtesy of Google Images

Some people drink caffeine, many people blow cold air on themselves, and the rest make pit stops to stretch their legs and avoid boredom. Sleepiness and fatigue are amongst the most popular and common instances of accidents at night. Avoid being part of the statistic by drinking a coke, having a coffee, and stretching your legs when traveling at night.

7. Avoid cruise control

While traveling long distances you may have picked up the habit of using cruise control. However, it may be best to avoid using it at night to ensure you don’t fall asleep, rear-end someone, or even run off the road. By avoiding this, you have full control over the car and everyone inside. Not giving your ankle a break is annoying and stiff, but this is ultimately safer for everyone.

Hopefully these tips and tricks will help provide you with a safer journey during your next night time drive! See something missing from the list that has helped you? Let us know in the comments below!

*The information contained in this blog is provided for informational purposes only, and should not be construed as legal advice on how to drive at night.